Before & After
New Marin School Major Renovation
Play ground, new surfacing, planting and irrigation
Owned by the city of Sausalito and leased by Lycee Francais de San Francisco, the 26000 sq ft across three buildings campus happily gained its renovation financing by the rent holders. Local architects and engineers provided all the needed documentation. By winning the bid work Rainbow Landscape took over most of the exterior portion of this ambitious project.
A lot of demolition; 6 feet high concrete retaining wall; concrete walkways, patio and ramps; paver walkways; new enlarged playground; over 700 lin ft of drainage system; more than 1000 plants; natural grass; irrigation system and other work kept us busy for the entire summer of 2013.
The work kick off was not as exiting, as it involved a lot of excavations, concrete and asphalt demolition, tree removals est. and for no time the perimeter became a landfill-like construction site. After this stage was passed a lot of the new designed elements started to gain its shape. Undoubtedly, the biggest challenge in this project was rising a 225 lin ft concrete retaining wall reaching 6 feet height for most of its extend and involving a serious drainage system installation facilitating the rainwater run-off.
Our knowledgeable crew was experiencing enjoinment with the work progressing and as most of the construction work was ending, we continued with implementing new drip irrigation for the new-designed vegetation.
Final stage was to install and arrange stainless still handrail, shaders, bike racks, pots, est.